Kate in Dubs Land

Monday, March 20, 2006

San Fran Festivities Begin..

Two enormously jet lagged, dazed and confused individuals embark on a sunny Californian day in San Francisco... The hills are still here - and the hills are still steep. Two poor individuals who are too poor to freely catch cabs walk up and down outrageously steep, long streets all day (great for the calves though etc).

PS. San Fran is awesome - people and sightings are quite unlike the normality that we are accustomed to in Brisvegas - but we all new that already.

More photos too come (very jet lagged person now writing was not looking/feeling her best and so in turn would not have a bar of having any nice photos taken off herself enjoying the city, although she was immensely.


  • At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Kate,

    Oliver wants to know if you are going to complain on your blog for the whole trip. What he really wants to read, is all the embarrassing moments that involve Uncle Nick.

    Ben & Rachel & Oliver

  • At 12:01 AM, Blogger jane said…

    Well perhaps some consideration needs to be given to posting unflattering pictures of siblings... looks like fun and seems to be a very red town. love.

  • At 1:27 AM, Blogger jane said…

    is this blog going to be updated EVER?


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