Kate in Dubs Land

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Well I Never!

1. Small world example: our hotel was next to the Paris SIDS office (bec, son, karls, can you believe it!).
2. The Mums get all cutural with croissants
3. Fluro tie with attached glasses anyone?
4. I pose for future story-telling of Paris experience, Nick eats croissant.
5. Parisian sunrise from hotel window (the hotel was divine - when finally become adult-like am re-creating room in own apartment like the Mums room... their's was slightly cooler than ours... coincidence? I don't think so (never underestimate cunning, expereinced, hotel-booking women).


  • At 1:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Attended the SIds & Kids lunch last friday with the amazing Maggie Tabberer as guest speaker - again a fantastic function and a great time was had by all.


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