Kate in Dubs Land

Sunday, January 14, 2007

San Rocca Pilli, Siena

This was the Tusan farm house were Nicholas and I spent three wonderul days... we didn't want to leave!!!! The farmhouse was owned by the 6th generation down of the wealthiest family in Siena... Arna was the lovely elderly lady who runs the house - her grandmothers grandmothers family built the main Piazzas in Florence, Rome and Siena. As it was the down season Nick and I were the only guests for the entire time bare a few who were in and out so it was v special. We miss Arna! The farmhouse is in a small village about 15km outside of Siena, called San Rocca Pilli.


  • At 10:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    It looks magical, no wonder you didn't want to leave.


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