Kate in Dubs Land

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Big Apple

Hello all has been a while since my last blog so will do my best to remember everything...
Manhatten is faaaaaaaaaantasic. So far have done the Empire State building (the height over the city is amazing!!!!!); some of Soho (shopping that is); a night on the town; lots of dinners; an iconic place called The Bitter End (live music where people like Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan and Billy Idol used to play!!!!) Have cruised 5th Avenue (still a lot to go!)...

On the list to do is still Broadway, going to the galleries and museums today, will stroll through central park. Then there is the Statten Island ferry to see the statue of liberty and cruise around the island, going to a comedy club, probably a bit more shopping and there heaps more stuff that at the moment I cannot remember! The beloved China Town is, of course of the activity list. Will attempt to update more frequently and just generally write a better blog. K x


  • At 8:59 PM, Blogger Jorge Brown said…

    Hi Kate!!!!

    This is a very cool way to get in touch.
    Keep on feeding us with your photos and your comments.

    Wish you a great time OS!

    Jorge Brown

  • At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Kate.

    Miss not having you just up the road. Love your pikkies. Better than Nicks. Keep them coming.

    How about that Big Fucking Apple !

    Dan the Man

  • At 7:09 AM, Blogger jane said…

    i hope you got a pic on Carrie's steps!
    love jane x


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