Kate in Dubs Land

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Some blog time at last!

Has been a while since blogs will update lots over weekemd... but for now any kind of blogging quality will do!

Me and Margaret birthday lunching at Espresso Bar just of Baggot (my current boss - great woman)

A favourite pic of mine from the Irish Independent - those little ballerinas are great to head space-calming on a Monday morning!

The Irish Times - page one on the 31st May!

Me in the elevator on the way to level 4 (as you can see i am naturally skilled in photograghy... flash on in the direct face of mirror)

Card from Mummo and G'ma... i didn't have everyone else's then thats why they are the only ones there!


  • At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Darlin'.
    Super news about the new job. Mags look terrific. Here's a 'mini-reference' you might like to use >>>> "Kate ! Her ! F***** terrific ! Not exactly sure what she's good at, but she likes Beer, has a growing interest in Guiness and ........ and..... Well she's just great !" I think it might help, so feel free to use it.

    Rome soon. Wow ! Serious envy at this end !

    Love the 'shot' in the Elevator - surreal !

    Miss you and your partner ! lOTS OF lOVE.


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