Kate in Dubs Land

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Last Day Lunch

Friday was my last official work day at Bord Bia - I'll miss it, it was my new little monday to friday home!!!!!!!! So the gals and I (Marianne and Michelle - they're dolls!) went to Cafe Boulevard on Baggott for a nice lunch and a spritzer.

I am actually going in on Monday though to do final handover and then my new job at the mag starts on Friday. I will have four glorious days in between jobs to just generally swan around, relax and do whatever it is I feel needs to be done at the time (ie shoe shopping, handbag shopping, etc etc)

It is Saturday morning now and I am nursing a bit of a hangover as offical last day of work drinks were also flowing rather freely yesterday afternoon/night.

Happy weekend to everyone xx



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