Kate in Dubs Land

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Egg Nation

If you like eggs, I suggest you put down whatever it is you're doing right now and get your sorry ass to france.

We went to Cafe de Flore (famous Parisian cafe thank you very much) for an early last lunch and dined on eggs - if you're anybody in france, you eat eggs - and sipped on scrummy white wine (thank the heavans the Parisians don't have their wine watches set to the right time... actually now I think about it they're set to exactly the right time).

If you're reading as thoroughly as you should be, you'll see I mention a variety of fruit tart in a further-down post - if you want a high class tart (bit of an oxymoron) then I'll say again: stop; think about what you're doing; get yourself to France and fight your way into Flore.


  • At 1:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    An eggsample of a french brasserie menu: croissants for brekky, jambon de pain for lunch, and oeufs as long as you want them made into an omelette for dinner!! Thats it! Can I take your order sil vous plait??


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