Kate in Dubs Land

Sunday, January 28, 2007

New Years in Florence

These are the crazy italians we spent new years with in Florece... they're all from Milan and we just in for ny celebrations... very fun

Sunday, January 14, 2007


These are some pics from our days in Florence... the view you see here if from our Florence home... the pic above is Kelly, Luca and their gorg little one Alexander who run the guest house.

San Rocca Pilli, Siena

This was the Tusan farm house were Nicholas and I spent three wonderul days... we didn't want to leave!!!! The farmhouse was owned by the 6th generation down of the wealthiest family in Siena... Arna was the lovely elderly lady who runs the house - her grandmothers grandmothers family built the main Piazzas in Florence, Rome and Siena. As it was the down season Nick and I were the only guests for the entire time bare a few who were in and out so it was v special. We miss Arna! The farmhouse is in a small village about 15km outside of Siena, called San Rocca Pilli.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


That's our little mate Punty (or Bluey if you'd like to get formal). Punty - because we are exceptionally imaginative - he's a Fiat Punto... and Bluey - because, again, our imagination goes off on such wild adventures, he had an electric blue dashboard. Siena is literally the heart of Tuscany - the people are absoletuly lovely and the countryside is there to match. Pics from our Tuscan home just outside Siena to come!

Siena's catherdal interior is said to be the most beautiful in Italy, second only to Venice. It was amazing! Sorry but my photos don't do it justice - you can't use a flash (and as Joseph Pole will know) you need a very steady hand to make them turn out clearly without one!!!!! Anyway, you will get the idea!

It was so random... in a quiet alley towards the back of the historical centre there was an Aussie Pub... completely random (not even an Irish pub to be seen in the entire city and that, my friends, is saying something). Anyway it was closed so no birra for us in the lil' ol' battler that day.