Kate in Dubs Land

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Adventures Ahead

Hi everyone... (i have no doubt that the population of 'everyone' has dwindled to pathetic since blogging regularity has been rather skint of late. Anyway, I have faith in a few goldies who have me on thier Explorer Favourites list. The Irish hiatus is drawing to a close and Nick and I will be flying out on March 29th, onward to greener pastures (actually that's a lie - Ireland is perhaps one of the greenest places on the planet - we are off to sunnier pastures)... 2 1/2 months tripping through Asia....
Honorable Yum Cha Club members hold on to your seats - our first stop is the birth place of the greatest food on earth and the shining beacon of inspirational light for such followers as:
MoonSun; Vanilla Sky; Pheonix Rising; Whispering Light; The Money Train; Walking Man; Dark Knight; Leaping Warrior; Lil' Dumplin (the jury's still out on that name by the way Anne); Stealth Shadow; Fire Rock; Miss Cha Sui; and John Travolta.
YES MY FRIENDS IT'S CHINA TIME! Nick and I will follow the Yum Cha Club mantra and: Assume Nothing, Consume Everything.
After we roll out of China, we fly into Bangkok for a month swanning around Thailand beaches; then we'll pop over to Laos and Vietnam for more south east asian goodness.
Then it's home to brisvegas for a couple of Months - we'll be back for July, August, and September it looks like.
Then, our next extended adventure will be living and working in Dubai, perspirating in the excessive heat and basking in the general excessiveness of the city itself.
See you in vegas!!!!


  • At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Can I come too??!!!???

  • At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Me too!!!!
    Great to see the blog happening again, long time between drinks..

  • At 12:55 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Enjoy the last of Ireland, you'll miss it after you leave...

  • At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am so excited to have you back in ozland soon! Have a great time in Asia babe - stay safe and live it up!!

  • At 12:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh yum cha... about time you get a chance to re-create prettier memories of it in your mind...


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