Kate in Dubs Land

Thursday, March 30, 2006

NY, NY; Love it, Love it

I shall list the activites of note for you all that we have partaken in over the last day or so:

(These are in no particular order, just listed as I remember each one)

Times Square (v bright v light)

Comedy Club called Stand Up NY (very funny thinking about going to another one tonight)

Ground Zero (pretty shocking to see the massive empty space up close)

Statten Island Ferry (to see the Statue of Liberty - she's a pearler)

An underground bar (as in no signage etc) called Chumleys which was a 'speakease' (not sure if that is how you spell the term but anyway!) during the years of alcohol prohabition and people still only go there on a need to know basis if you know what I mean!

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (saw lots of beautiful paintings but lots of the greats. Janey I even saw the original of that giant blue paiting you did with the light bulb in it! Remember???? Anyway I took a photo of it for you, will upload shortly.

Fifth Avenue (Saks on Fifth, the flagship store: the handbag section was pure torture as possibily the most beautiful hangbags in the world are all lumped together screaming out for new homes. trying to rationalise buying a $1500 Jimmy Choo was near impossible to even attempt, although i did try, for several minutes. I later made a more modest purchase in another store completey. But I will have that Jimmy Choo bag. one day.

Anyway, also on Fifth was basically every designer boutique you can imagine, Gucci, Prada, LV, blah blah blah. They are ABSOLUTEY all on this street!

Wall Street (a stroll and a beer at the best steak house in America... the awards were up there to prove it!!)

Okay then well that is pretty much it for now... updates coming.

Kate xx


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