Kate in Dubs Land

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Enchanting (18 Hour) Garden Party contd....

Hello hello

There was supposed to me more images uploaded but blogger failed me (yet again and it didn't work). I would usually keep trying to get it right but i am so utterly brain dead i cannot be bothered. will update them at another time b/c v beautiful. I am at the tail end of the day after an 18 hour work day at the location pictured below. It is an old military hospital which has been transformed into Dublin Museum of Modern Art. Granted, a lovely spot to work ALL day/night... in fact i had lots of things to tell all but whilst waiting for blogger to upload the images i have become almost zombi woman walking - actually i am sitting - walking right now would be an absolute no no. may fall over. apologies for utterly lame blog posting i will shortly attempt to go to dinner and then pass out. Thank god its friday!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooooh, just got a bit of spark back! Would like everyone's weekend gossip in the form of blog comments please.


  • At 9:33 AM, Blogger jane said…

    ohh, that looks spectacular! weekend gossip hey, how about belting out a few tunes at adams oriental! you havn't heard real music until you'vve heard sean and i singing alanis's 'thank you' while donning wigs and swilling champers!

  • At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey baby!!! Checking your auto email...


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