Kate in Dubs Land

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Slow Saturday

Well Nicholas and I have had and are still having a very slow Saturday as we are recovering from rather unpleasant hangovers (well worth it as always though of course - although I am never drinking again! obviously I will but perhaps approach it in a different way next time ;-)
So the images above are documentation of our first - and probably last! - outing for today.

Firstly, you can see moi checking the mail and then it is off to Renalagh to return some dvds and have some lunch. Ranelagh is the suburb nextdoor to Ballsbridge and the main larger village we utilise for restaurants, etc. We had lunch at a place called Nector which is a GREAT cafe with extremely tasty food. I have a wrap (guys I have been bordering on a full-blown wrap obsession since leaving Australia - actually the Wrap OB started in the Myer centre when I went shopping with my darling Mumma shortly before leaving when we both had a terribly unbelievably delicious chicken cajun wrap at Sumo Salad in the food court - since that day I have been sourcing and sampling wraps everyday - they are some what of a phenomenon, granted not a new one, in my opinion. I am now of course, on a relentless pursuit to find the perfect filling combination and establishment supplier. Anyway... now that is voiced... Nick had a scrumpious pasta dish and that is that!

Most of my day has been spent watching our newly installed cable tv - this of course will not be the norm - but when hungover and presented with access to television for the first time in over a month it is a very happy scenario for all involved.

Tomorrow the football team of all football teams, Aresenal, is playing in the grand final so it will not doubt be a ripping day in EVERY pub in dublin and for that matter many more across Europe and the UK. Nick and I will most likely watch the game at the Courthouse brewery which is in an alley off Grafton Street - it is a pretty big pub with several different areas and a primo football watching venue. Gooooooo Arsenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One again for the ladies who may be awake at 2am or whenever the match is aired in Oz, it is well worth a look as there are some fine looking lads in the team who also happen to be highly skilled players.

Highlight for the day was seeing the beautiful, adorable, cute cute cute legend Oliver O'Neill via webcam - I put out a challenge for anybody out there to find a 1 and a half year old with cooler hair. Actually, Ollie's hair is cooler than most males of any age I know!!!!!!!! Good work Ben and Rae, you've created a lady killer.

Chat soon, hope all are having a wonderful weekend



  • At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Darlin, and hi Nick

    Very much enjoyed the "Day of the Vegemite Package" tale. Couldn't put it down. And I see the Vegemite taking, appropriately, centre stage in the Pantry.
    With Ollie and the guys last night, and I have to tell you, that little 'cupcake' is quite the most extraordinary child. Cute beyond all reason ! And yes, oh the hair ! He chats away at times in some foreign language - really gets into it, as if he's trying to make a point to someone who doesn't understand what he is trying to say - which we don't. It's mesmerising to say the least ! Truly a living doll, that little bloke !
    Miss you both !

  • At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello beautiful Katie Poo Pie Sugar Plum, and gorgeous Nicky Boy!!!

    This is my first 'post' and i have to say that i am very excited!! You know i almost started my own blog the other day but then realised that NOONE would read it!! But just wait till i go overseas, i will become the new BLOG QUEEN!!!

    Looks like you are both having a great time in 'sunny' Dublin. Keep on drinking those beers!

    Katie - those boots are fricken hot!!! Please post more and more photos of your hot little self! And i really dont see what is so wrong with your hair??

    Keep up the blogging.

    Miss u, Kell xoxoxoxo


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