Kate in Dubs Land

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Say Hello to Kate's Latest Purchase

Direct from Brown Thomas (very good department store - stocks ALL the goodies I can't possibly afford). In fact, on the department store note - Dublin goes from absolutely fabulous to utterly atrocious in the depo stakes - there is just no inbetween people! In fact it rather suits the Hedley girls personality - full stop or go.

Now, keep in mind the suedo terracotta and white-goods backdrop doesn't nearly afford these precious darlings the shining they deserve... As I have not yet had the chance to wear them in an appropriate social setting (they were purchased Sunday afternoon and am much too short too wear flats to work) I will be sure to post pics that highlight their wonderful leather and equally wonderful shape in a more flattering environment... perhaps the cobblestone-lined streets of temple bar on a sunny dublin saturday. Or if we want to get a little more realistic, some dingy bar where drunk sweaty people are likely to stomp all over them. Absolute rubbish. I would be sure to never let that happen!


  • At 1:19 AM, Blogger jane said…

    those boots are hot, hot, hot!

  • At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Love the legs!!!

  • At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    more legs less boots pls.

  • At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    those boots are made for walkin.. nice, nice well lets just say GOLD!!

    Babe missin you like crazy and loving reading the blog, it is like an autobiography of someone I actually know!!

    you look amazing!
    love ya, Bec


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