Kate in Dubs Land

Saturday, April 22, 2006


This girl in particular

As I am sure Nick has said on his blog we are backing Arsenal in the English Premier league and I think we could be back winners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As you can see I have traslated my support to the lappy. Now when I am in cafe's working and looking intellectual, I will also look a bit tougher and more sports-minded. The perfect combination don't you think?


  • At 10:36 AM, Blogger jane said…

    I go for which ever team has hot boys!

  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Kate said…

    this is the team jane!!! hot hot hot boys!!!! what did you think it was strategic???? ;-)

  • At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    On the soccer ban-waggon hey Kate. I always thought Nick was the one in pursuit of a new personal fad - which reminds me, how's his golf going? Ricko.


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