Kate in Dubs Land

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Dubs to Date...

Hello peeps! Hope all is well. Irleand so far is great - although we have been spending most of our time looking for an apartment. Going to see a few today. Looks like Dublin South (of the Liffey) is the place to be so thats where we are headed!!

We are staying in a gorgeous house in a town about 30 minutes north of Dublin at the moment. It's called Balbriggen and it is pretty cool (in a quirky small Irish town way ;-) House faces onto the Irish Ocean - there is also a beach nearby. It's no Noosa and I don't think anyone has EVER swam in it without being oiled up to the nines with a wetsuit on.

We have lowered one or two pint since being in Dubs County of course... so far I am yet to find a light beer on tap. Something tells me I won't.

Also on the lookout for jobs - we're going to hook up with some recruitment agencies and do the normal job hunting things.

Weather here not nearly as depressing and grey as legend would have it. Yesterday it was sunshine all the way and a very pleasant 11 degrees thank you very much.

Also found a place that helps you open bank accounts easily so should have the ol' Bank of Ireland key card running by the end of today.


  • At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh how your blog brings back memories.. back when I was once in a wetsuit in dublin oiled up to the nines..oh hang on, that wasn't in dublin..and come to think of it I wasn't in a wetsuit but glad to hear you're having a good time.

  • At 1:33 AM, Blogger jane said…

    light beer? do you think all those leprechauns got to be so happy and tubby drinking lights?! another guiness please!


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