Kate in Dubs Land

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Lazy Blog Day!

Hello to all my *faithful blog followers...

*faithful blog followers continue to stay faithful through the thick and thin... or a lazy blog entry.

I am at the moment unable to blog as I have work to do!!!!! For all information and updates from the past couple of road tripping days (including places visited and special attractions and features, please refer to Nick's blog). On his blog you will read that we clocked up about 800 k's - not bad considering I was chief navigator - or perhaps that why we did clock up so many k's. Hmmmm...

It is well known in the blog world that a tremendously interesting and insightful blog ALWAYS emerges in the wake of a lazy blog. With that in mind, stay tuned.

K xoxo


  • At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hello katie and nick!

    I did so enjoy reading the vegeite report, and i read in horror at the ridiculousness of the faux DC. I would have left the country there and then. What kind of place dares to even try to mimic the taste of teh 'real thing -(only one calorie diet coke....' Clearly somewhere with ideals far from our own. I really suggest you get back to the land of the larger than life servings america where you wont deal with any of that nonsense.

    hope you darlings are having fun

    lots of love andhugs Annie pop pop (aka lil' dumpling)


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