Kate in Dubs Land

Monday, April 10, 2006

Hair Crisis Overted!

New hair - but for 150 Euro they certainly won't be getting my business again! Note to self: always check prices before committ to the chair. Second note to self: try and get a hairdresser that speaks more than broken English so as to have the ability to talk about wants and needs in the hair grooming process - hairdresser was very Polish. All good though emerged from salon with hair in tact!
Some job interviews lined up for this week - must earn some bloody Euros soon! Aussie dollar exchange is just not working for me or my wallet. That damn blody Aussie dollar.
Am embarking on a mini detox starting today - too much red wine makes for a very shabby next day interview and willl do all in my power to NEVER have to encounter that whilst on job hunt. No one likes to hire a wino. Not even in bloody Dublin I am sure!
Jane I want to publicly announce that YOUR BLOG ROCKS! It's so good to see all the pics of everyone :-) Does make me miss everyone though lots and lots!
Okay going to go pick some stuff up for the apartment now. Updates coming soon as always...
Kate xoxoxo


  • At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Didn't miss you with the Hair. 150 Euros = well, better not to convert to stinking Aussie Dollars ! Going to have a close look at the Blue Door in a moment.
    Oh, and they probably do prefer Winos as senior executive Staff - look at the professor. Not a Wino, but doesn't mind a drop. ( If you tell him I said that I'll deny it )

    Much Love. Have fun.

  • At 11:15 PM, Blogger jane said…

    hair is much more important than resume. Can't wait to find out where you end up working! Glad you like the blog, i wouldn't want you to think were doing anything new and exciting! good luck with the job hunt

  • At 1:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Katie,
    Good luck settling in behind the blue door and findin a new job etc etc etc. I like your blog, it smells good!!!!
    Miss ya.
    Love Gaz


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