Kate in Dubs Land

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Our new pad!

(Sorry about the bluryness of the pic - and the spelling of bluryness if that is totally incorrect... haven't worked for a while see... the brain goes a wee tad funny after the first week or so of unemployment)

The blue door is ours! That is our entrance door anyway. One landlord owns the whole building and our apartment is at the front on level 1 (not ground by the way Mum, if you are concerned about our safety - perfectly safe!). We are 10 minutes walk from St Stephens Green (the central landmark of the city, a gorgeous amazing park with little canals and all that nice parky stuff... Stephens Green leads straight onto Graffton Street - the shopping mecca; cafes, bars, restaurants... It is absolutely beautiful and packed with soooo much stuff... cobble-stone streets are so damn pretty!

We moved in yesterday and are finishing unpacking and the set-up today. I am getting my hair done a a hairdresser across the street tomorrow morning - can i just say I AM SOOOOOOOO EXCITED TO GET MY HAIR DONE FINALLY! Travelling to date has left absolutely no chance for hair up-keep and I freely and readily admit that it has turned into somewhat of a shambles - A HAIR EMERGENCY NOW PEOPLE - IT IS A HAIR EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any way can't wait to take lots of pics of the apartment and neighbourhood to show everyone. For big bad Brenz... please don't be concerned about the size of the apartment it is great! Love to all and more updates soon. We are organsing our internet for the apartment on Monday so blogging will be easy as pie. xoxo


  • At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Looks fantastic, cant wait to see more, thanks for the visual...

  • At 10:22 PM, Blogger jane said…

    so exciting!

  • At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey sweets, I LOVE the Blog! what an awesome way to keep up to date..
    The pad looks so exciting!!!

    Miss you!

  • At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Love you Katie!
    Nice pad....keep on blogging.
    Brookie x


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