Kate in Dubs Land

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Just finished first day of work!

Hello to all... As the posting title alludes, I have just finished my first day of work! I am temping (full-time hours) as the Corporate Communications Assistant at Bord Bia (The Irish Food Board). My recruitment company clearly had a flukey call the afternoon of the same day of my interview and as a result very unexpectedly started work the next day (ie. today!).
So although a temp position, I am working in the Media department, reporting to the Corporate Communications Manager. Total staff numbers however are around 80 - 90 so I am enjoying the luxuries of a nice interior building with many processes and other things that have not been available at past work places!
You can have a look at http://www.bordbia.ie/ to get a proper idea of the company. Great people, all ages, great place to start, even if for a couple of weeks! It is also a 10 minute walk from our place so thank you again Ballsbridge (our suburb), for your excellent city-central location.

Nick and I are renting a car for the easter weekend and will be hooning (parental translation: driving sensibly) around the southern island exploring and what not over the public holiday period. We now also have internet -thank god! - the world wide communication channel is officially constantly available at 10 Upper Leeson Street!!!!!

Once again love to all, K xoxo

ps. thank you to all regular (& for that matter one-off) blog commentators, there's nothing like a blog comment to feel connected! :-)


  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger jane said…

    congratulations on your job! i'm sure having an income again will allow for much guilt free spending!

  • At 8:24 PM, Blogger jane said…

    an egg a day is ok! They sound like a very sensible company!

  • At 9:17 PM, Blogger jane said…

    what time code do you have your blog set to? they finish work at 11am in dublin? slackers!

  • At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice work team!! What a great place to work - particularly as you are such a big eater. Enjoy the Easter drive.

  • At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW how to land on your feet in one easy lesson Kates way...Congratulations. Enjoy your tour and of course 'please drive carefully'. Now I feel better, havent been able to nag for a few weeks...Love Gayle

  • At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great Kate. Jumping those barriers as you come to them. I see.

  • At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congratulations on your job - that was quick. You both sound like your having a wonderful time - Porscha and I were so jealous of your shopping spree in New York. Have a great Easter.


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