Kate in Dubs Land

Thursday, April 20, 2006


The Vegemite Report

Table of Contents:

1. Summary

2. Subject Analysis

3. Recommendations

4. Saving Grace

5. Personal Feelings

5. Conclusion

Report Summary:

Vegemite travel tube that crossed hemispheres with us is almost gone. Now at point of cutting end of tube of and scrapping mite out - A similar method is often practiced with a toothpaste tube when one is too lazy to simply go to the shop and purchase more.

Subject Analysis:

1. Noticed tube was getting lighter and mite was consistently squeezing out of tube at a slower rate.
1.1 As days went on transfer effort of mite to toast became increasingly trenuous.
1.2 Idle comments about the tube running low have become more frequent with voices also becoming more strained when comments vocalised.


After close subject inspection testing and the use of basic common sense, it is recommended that more Vegemite is needed.

Saving Grace:

1. Brenz is sending package with primary purpose being I forgot my pin number and subsequently have to have new card sent across the world - yes one day I just meandered up to the ATM as usual and there was nothing there - the pin had gone FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am always so good with my timing - THERE IS POSSIBLY NO WORSE TIME TO RANDOMLY FORGET VITAL INFORMATION LIKE THIS. Regardless, I have soldiered on and will never ever forget pin again. Ever.

1.2 Point of 1. is that vegemite will be in package - if Brenze lives up to her promises.

1.3 In reference to 1. and 1.2 however, one must never be complacent and think that the next vegemite supply will last for ever. IT JUST SIMPLY WON'T! And here marks the never ending pursuit of vegemite in a country where people nor want, care or know about it. Perhaps there should be a recommendation in the report to open Vegemite stockist in Dubsy. That's a whole other report.

Personal Feelings:

1. A little anxious
1.2 Excited about prospect of new vegemite supply


Bread is useless as a product without vegemite


  • At 1:38 AM, Blogger jane said…

    I have a simple solution to your problem...as you now work for the irish food board simply remove the potatoes from the top of all food pyramid diagrams and replace with pic of vegemite. The population will go into such a frenzy trying to keep up there nutrition that vegimite will have to build a factory in dublin. I dont know why you didnt think of this! simple.

  • At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry to hear of this rather sudden and unfortunate turn of events. Frankly. to be de-vegemited in a foreign land - can it get any worse ? And things were going so well. Sometimes I wonder if there is a God. Perhaps as a temporary replacement some Guinness. I believe it belongs to the some Genus -roseineverycheekus goodwithbutteris. I hope you both recover from this dreadful setback.


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