Kate in Dubs Land

Thursday, April 27, 2006

When in doubt... Go O!

Now i am not sure if all are aware of the fact to come, but, Nick and I do not at present have readily accessible television viewing (we have a tv of course - but that's just to make it look and feel more homely. I am not sure if it a sign from the anti-tv christ or whether it is just a run of bad luck - but those who have experienced tv nick and kate style at Ravenswood will know that we are not necessarily the first port of call when something interesting may be on tv... that you actually want to SEE. Yes audio has never been a problem, it's just the damn picture! Well it is a similar story here - sound a-o-k. Picture, pathetic.

This brings me to the point at hand: It's not television I am missing, it's the sista of all sistas, Oprah that I am pining for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is all my wholesome advice, insights into the seasons hottest products, shocking makeovers and charity-giving madness????!!!!! I need a bit of Ope time people!!!!!!!

So as you can see from the image above - if you can't join them *become them.

*Startlingly realistic image trickery courtesy of Joseph Pole.


  • At 11:10 PM, Blogger jane said…

    i am extremley embarressed! Go Opera, Go Opera...


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