Kate in Dubs Land

Sunday, June 04, 2006

A Bleedin' Boiling Summers Day

Pics above are from our summer saturday - it was sooooooo hot we were wearing t-shitrs and ballet shoes (well nick wasnt wearing ballet shoes i was). Has some cold beerios at The Waterloo pub on Baggot Street which is a 5 min walk from our joint. My new favourite pub it's soooo nice visitors will be taken there. It was so hot that we had to go and sit inside - Summer is here!!!!!!!

On Saturday night went to a bbq at Dylan Park at Dalky was v fun but a tad hungover this morning... Not to worry because it's a long weekend no work till tuesday and then off to Rome so excited!

Thanks for all my lovely birthday wishes from everyone made turning 24 a very nice experience... am actually still telling people i am 23 (mistake or on-purpose have not yet worked out)



  • At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE (for the 31st)!!!!!!!!!
    Hope u had a great day and are having a swell time in Dublin, it looks like u are. And can i just say congrats on your new job - that is bloody sensational! i recommend that you use that word in your first article, actually 'senbloodysastional' would be even better, they will be so impressed! Love u babe xoxoxo, Kelly P


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