Kate in Dubs Land

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Drinky Drinks for Jas

Friday night drinks were in aid of the lovely Jasmine the girl I replacing at work. She's from NZ so we have a wonderful Southern Hemisphere friendshipy loveness for each other. There were actually a lot of other people there but me and Jas were just loving the camera so much noone else really got a look in.

For those of you down south who don't know, Europe has been stung but a heat wave (about a week ago London recorded the hottest day in the last 100 years). Well I can report that the heatwave (i am 98% sure) has now ended - it's 10am on Saturday morning and it's as dark as you'd expect it to be at about 4am. Raining. Pretty cold. Great weather for... DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BECAUSE IT WOULD BE TOTURE TO LEAVE THE HOUSE! So excited it is the weekend I think I am going to cry.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

New el'Jobo has begun

I have just completed day 2 of the new job and it's fabulous!

Offically I am Photographic Editor but I also write the Beauty pages and... wait for it... the Soaps pages (this I must admit will be the most challenging element of the role as I have not seen an epidsode of the likes of Eastenders since the late 80's - although it was a firm favourite -remember Janey!!!!) I count on transcripts sent in from the networks to get me through that bit!

As I am currently the beauty writer I am the one who recieves the glorious product packs and press materials sent in by Estee Lauder, Chanel, Bobbie Brown etc. It's not all good though as I was leafing through the box of cosmetic magic I stumbled across Britney Spears' Curious fragrance press pack - a glossy folder shaped to resemble a tight low cut pink leopard print top - good on you Brits! I have also been told that from time to time I was have to participate in facials and visits to spas in the name of research...

Tomorrow night I am off to the Tatler Design Showcase which is a catwalk showing of all the top Irish designers - I will be backstage being all fashiony and telling all the models they look faaaaabulous ;-)

Am very tired now however so will not go on for too much longer - Nicholas and I attended a b'day party of one of his work friends on Saturday night and I just dont seem to be pulling up like I used to in the old days - even after being extrememly well behaved.

Chat soon xx

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

More random pics

(Random pics is blogger code for: lazy but still want to post something

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Last Day Lunch

Friday was my last official work day at Bord Bia - I'll miss it, it was my new little monday to friday home!!!!!!!! So the gals and I (Marianne and Michelle - they're dolls!) went to Cafe Boulevard on Baggott for a nice lunch and a spritzer.

I am actually going in on Monday though to do final handover and then my new job at the mag starts on Friday. I will have four glorious days in between jobs to just generally swan around, relax and do whatever it is I feel needs to be done at the time (ie shoe shopping, handbag shopping, etc etc)

It is Saturday morning now and I am nursing a bit of a hangover as offical last day of work drinks were also flowing rather freely yesterday afternoon/night.

Happy weekend to everyone xx


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Some Random Pics :-)

1. Make-shift drum man busker

2. One of our supermarkets (its got nothing on Coles Tutty)

3. Cute as pie 14-year old rockin kid buskers

4. Odd Barbie-and-Ken-with-Jesus-telly poster

5. Mysterious glass juggling busker with back up guy

Random Pics contd...

6. Our New Farm Park... Stevies Green (St Stephen's Green)

7. A fav bar/cafe on Dame Street called Thomas Read

8. Me on Graffton with funny wonky eyes

9. Why go bald? A brand new hair loss treatment centre for the hip balding people of dublin

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

H a p p y B i r t h d a y T i m b o ! x x x x