Kate in Dubs Land

Saturday, July 22, 2006

New el'Jobo has begun

I have just completed day 2 of the new job and it's fabulous!

Offically I am Photographic Editor but I also write the Beauty pages and... wait for it... the Soaps pages (this I must admit will be the most challenging element of the role as I have not seen an epidsode of the likes of Eastenders since the late 80's - although it was a firm favourite -remember Janey!!!!) I count on transcripts sent in from the networks to get me through that bit!

As I am currently the beauty writer I am the one who recieves the glorious product packs and press materials sent in by Estee Lauder, Chanel, Bobbie Brown etc. It's not all good though as I was leafing through the box of cosmetic magic I stumbled across Britney Spears' Curious fragrance press pack - a glossy folder shaped to resemble a tight low cut pink leopard print top - good on you Brits! I have also been told that from time to time I was have to participate in facials and visits to spas in the name of research...

Tomorrow night I am off to the Tatler Design Showcase which is a catwalk showing of all the top Irish designers - I will be backstage being all fashiony and telling all the models they look faaaaabulous ;-)

Am very tired now however so will not go on for too much longer - Nicholas and I attended a b'day party of one of his work friends on Saturday night and I just dont seem to be pulling up like I used to in the old days - even after being extrememly well behaved.

Chat soon xx


  • At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Katie darling.
    Well aren't you quite the little rising star in the fashion magazine world. Can just picture you 'back-stage', part of 'the scene'. Good for you. Can't imagine anything else suiting you more. Long way from SIDS at 'old' Mt Gravet !! Must be some web site/s we can look adoringly at your work -let me know. As I said on Nick's Blog you guys are becoming quite the Dubliners. How I envy you both. Also forgot to say on little Nikki's Blog that I miss you like mad. Consider yourself told. Stay well and look after each other. Much Love to you both.


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