Kate in Dubs Land

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

1. Nick does his job as map reader and 'exceptionally large city' navigator - i applied for the position but apparently wasn't all that impressive during my trial.
2. Buckingham Palace shop, just like the pastels really.
3. Picasso trying to look all arty.
4. Me and nick on Sunday morning in Bayswater at a nice little spanish cafe
5. Me and the big man

Lil' ol' London

1. Salute to El' Presidentei (i long for prawn fans and dumplings...) I did the secret pose too but unfortunately I don't like my expression in photo and don't want to broadcast on www.
2. Nicholas in Notting Hill after Portobello Markets
3. Harrods (there's almost no other store... sometimes a girl just needs DJ's)
3 & 4. Me pictured forcing a smile after Nick proclaimed it was necessary to leave the markets if we were to make the most of our tourist hopping and sight seeing extravaganza (have pencilled in diary for exclusive London market/shops w'end in near future, sans nick unless he wants to sift through cheap singlets, snazzy tights and lovely, overpriced handmade jewellery for 36 hours straight).

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Spent Units

While it's a shame the blog postings don't appear for your veiwing in cronological order, that's just the way it is: this pic was taken about 12 days after Hurricane Brenda and Hurricane Gayle hit. Nick and I are now back home soliciting donations to rebuild our lives...

Egg Nation

If you like eggs, I suggest you put down whatever it is you're doing right now and get your sorry ass to france.

We went to Cafe de Flore (famous Parisian cafe thank you very much) for an early last lunch and dined on eggs - if you're anybody in france, you eat eggs - and sipped on scrummy white wine (thank the heavans the Parisians don't have their wine watches set to the right time... actually now I think about it they're set to exactly the right time).

If you're reading as thoroughly as you should be, you'll see I mention a variety of fruit tart in a further-down post - if you want a high class tart (bit of an oxymoron) then I'll say again: stop; think about what you're doing; get yourself to France and fight your way into Flore.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Little more Paris...

Bridge to Sortie

1. The most beautiful brigde in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Jane, a couple of Sorties for you
3. The gang looking at something marvellous...

Well I Never!

1. Small world example: our hotel was next to the Paris SIDS office (bec, son, karls, can you believe it!).
2. The Mums get all cutural with croissants
3. Fluro tie with attached glasses anyone?
4. I pose for future story-telling of Paris experience, Nick eats croissant.
5. Parisian sunrise from hotel window (the hotel was divine - when finally become adult-like am re-creating room in own apartment like the Mums room... their's was slightly cooler than ours... coincidence? I don't think so (never underestimate cunning, expereinced, hotel-booking women).

Bottom pic the Patissier where we just kept accidentally going to... highly recommend the pear tart.

The Good Street

The Champs-Elysees. Pic explanation as follows:
1. Displayed sideways for variety (and lack of motivation to delete and upload corectly): Sephora (remember Janey?) which is a glorious uber store filled with glorious cosmetics... didn't leave empty handed.
2. Adidas 3 stripes the Parisian way
3. Despit UK roots, United Colours is so France, baby
4. The roundabout of utter madness (actually largest roundabout in the world - instructions for safe use clearly never distributed to the countrymen who wail through in which ever direction, speed and mania they feel is needed at the time of entry and exit). Later drove through in taxi, and, although not particulary religious, prayed to Mary, Jesus, God, Mahamed, and anyone else who possibly may have been listening at the time.
5. Me and Mumma outside Fouquets where the Hedley clan had Christmas Dinner back in the decade of minimalism (the 90's for those who haven't been reading vogue like they damn well should be/and or have selective pop culture hearing).

The Paris Marathon

Spent Units have a rest on the Champs-Elysees - the mothers are feulled by sugar pancakes picked up at the starting point, Nick's juiced up with a chocolate soft serve and I'm running on water as have already eaten own body weight in food ten times over and would likely have blown up if consumed anymore (for those who have attended Yum Cha - multiply full feeling experienced when leaving Golden Palace... double it... then imagine feeling like you can't stand up striaght for 3 days without break... must detox).