Kate in Dubs Land

Monday, November 06, 2006

Bloody Aussie Thugs

Nicholas and I went to the all mighty Irish-Aussie clash of the titans gaelic/afl mixed rules etravaganza on Sunday and weren't those little Aussie battlers cheeky little sneaks with their roughing up and punching on for no apparent reason!!!!! In all fairness (that's an Irish saying I seem to just say and say and say now days) I don't think there was really anything wrong with the ferocious intimidation tactics sprung forth from the boys in green and gold but as I have very few homeland supporters freely available to back me up, I have been tisking their bad behaviour since the match (always, however, with the slight undertone of: c'mon you Irish folk were just a wee bit weak). At one point during the match, whilst encircled by 10 or so all-or-nothing Irish football fanatics, I found myself cheering when Ireland scorred, simply to keep the peace and let the true spectator joy that sports brings to us mere humas runeth over. (I have also had to do this at work this morning, once again, to cushion the bleedin' Irish head and let them believe that the only reason we won was because we used brut force, and that our tighly honed skills and all around betterness (i know its not a work but if you can think of a better one after a full days work on a shady monday please post in comments) didn't win the bout.
Picture 1 and 2: The green pastour where the killings took place
Picture 3: Me with my dissaproving face on to quash any surrounding fans' ideas that I am indeed a proud Australian proud of my fellow (elite athlete) countrypersons' shananagins.
(Really I just wasn't ready for the shot and so could muster a dazzling smile in time)


  • At 7:38 AM, Blogger jane said…

    Really! If were going to represent the sunburnt country, we really shouldn't be punching the locals!


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