Kate in Dubs Land

Friday, March 31, 2006

Woah MoMA!

Yesterday was a very nice day for Nicholas and I at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). We saw some of the most beautiful / renowned art in the world. Think The Starry Night, Andy Warhol's soup cans and marilyn, countless Picasso's, Chagall's and more and more!

The museum itself is absolutley beautiful - and it was also the place where I had the best Diet Coke since coming to America (note that the DC's have been flowing freely since landing in the US and there is many different levels of quality and enjoyment. eg post mix levels, can, bottle, ice levels in glass, ice cube shape, glass quality and shape etc etc). I have decided that the DC consuming rate will be halted if not dropped considerably on leaving America... perhaps replaced with Guiness if not water which would be the brightest idea. To sum up - MoMA was incredible and highly recommeded as a must see in NY.

We leave NY at 5pm for Dublin via Frankfurt tomorrow (Friday). The time has gone so fast, probably a little too fast, but I imagine that is the case regardless of long you stay here.

Have LOTS and LOTS of pics to upload and will do as soon as can!

Miss all, chat soon K x

Thursday, March 30, 2006

NY, NY; Love it, Love it

I shall list the activites of note for you all that we have partaken in over the last day or so:

(These are in no particular order, just listed as I remember each one)

Times Square (v bright v light)

Comedy Club called Stand Up NY (very funny thinking about going to another one tonight)

Ground Zero (pretty shocking to see the massive empty space up close)

Statten Island Ferry (to see the Statue of Liberty - she's a pearler)

An underground bar (as in no signage etc) called Chumleys which was a 'speakease' (not sure if that is how you spell the term but anyway!) during the years of alcohol prohabition and people still only go there on a need to know basis if you know what I mean!

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (saw lots of beautiful paintings but lots of the greats. Janey I even saw the original of that giant blue paiting you did with the light bulb in it! Remember???? Anyway I took a photo of it for you, will upload shortly.

Fifth Avenue (Saks on Fifth, the flagship store: the handbag section was pure torture as possibily the most beautiful hangbags in the world are all lumped together screaming out for new homes. trying to rationalise buying a $1500 Jimmy Choo was near impossible to even attempt, although i did try, for several minutes. I later made a more modest purchase in another store completey. But I will have that Jimmy Choo bag. one day.

Anyway, also on Fifth was basically every designer boutique you can imagine, Gucci, Prada, LV, blah blah blah. They are ABSOLUTEY all on this street!

Wall Street (a stroll and a beer at the best steak house in America... the awards were up there to prove it!!)

Okay then well that is pretty much it for now... updates coming.

Kate xx

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Big Apple

Hello all has been a while since my last blog so will do my best to remember everything...
Manhatten is faaaaaaaaaantasic. So far have done the Empire State building (the height over the city is amazing!!!!!); some of Soho (shopping that is); a night on the town; lots of dinners; an iconic place called The Bitter End (live music where people like Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan and Billy Idol used to play!!!!) Have cruised 5th Avenue (still a lot to go!)...

On the list to do is still Broadway, going to the galleries and museums today, will stroll through central park. Then there is the Statten Island ferry to see the statue of liberty and cruise around the island, going to a comedy club, probably a bit more shopping and there heaps more stuff that at the moment I cannot remember! The beloved China Town is, of course of the activity list. Will attempt to update more frequently and just generally write a better blog. K x

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

More San Fran Days and Doings...

Last night we got our feet wet for Ireland with a rather extensive pint session at an Irish pub... met many a people (largely Irish, english and one cop from New Jersey - yes Jane, I talked Law & Order with him and they do help out the NYPD!)

Lunch and a bay cruise at Fisherman's Wharf

Crookedest street, cable car trip, Trans America Building, bit of a shop... dinner in Little Italy.

San Fran such a great city - so many people from different parts of the world - as the folk at Dreamworld say: so many worlds in one.

Some tid bits I learnt today:

1. Oakland is only 8 miles from San Fran
2. About ditto for Berkley (starting to get my Californian city bearings!)
3. There are painters constantly painting the Golden Gate Bridge, nets hang from the bottom and they paint one way, and when they finish they turn right around and start painting all over again.
4. Angel Island on the bay was used as a cruel prison-like holding and interegation bay for Chinese people immigrationg to San Fran.
5. San Fran is a completely walkable city - big but so small in area nowhere is too far from where you are. Once again, great for the calves.

Updates daily stay tuned. Oh and San Fran Yum Cha (or as they call it here: Dim Sum) is only hours away in this the largest China Town in Americal. PS source of that fact from pub last night so apologies in advance if that is not true and accurate (!)

Monday, March 20, 2006

San Fran Festivities Begin..

Two enormously jet lagged, dazed and confused individuals embark on a sunny Californian day in San Francisco... The hills are still here - and the hills are still steep. Two poor individuals who are too poor to freely catch cabs walk up and down outrageously steep, long streets all day (great for the calves though etc).

PS. San Fran is awesome - people and sightings are quite unlike the normality that we are accustomed to in Brisvegas - but we all new that already.

More photos too come (very jet lagged person now writing was not looking/feeling her best and so in turn would not have a bar of having any nice photos taken off herself enjoying the city, although she was immensely.

Transit Land in Syds...

Thanks to Brookie, Annie, Richie and Jess for respective housing / airport pick ups / drop offs / entertaining in Syds :-)

Dinner at Bar Reggios with amongst others Jessy Babes and Rich

Obligatory (terribly embarrasing) photo at customs entrance

Bris Vegas Send Off

(Sorry to the daddios who don't feature in these images... we all know you were there :-) mothers with photo evidence feel free to email through)

Goodbye Ravenswood we loved you very much.