Kate in Dubs Land

Monday, May 29, 2006


Friday, May 26, 2006


Yes peeps I have a new job at Harmonia Publishing... the biggest magazine publishing co. in the country - this is verg good!!!!! The MD still has to okay my references but that permitting I am in! The mags pictured are some of their titles... I will be working for Woman's Way... the Irish equivalent of the infamous Women's Day in Oz ;-)

I am soooooooooooooo excited/happy/oh my god/good good good!!!!!!

And it's Friday - what more could a girl ask for?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Roma is on the Horizon Baby!

As many will know my birthday is approaching... so to celebrate this wonderful day nick and I will be going to ROME!!!!!!!!!

The celebrations will be belated - but no less fabulous of course! - as we are heading to Italia on June 10 for the weekend... date shmate - WE'RE GOING TO ROOOOOOOOOMMMME!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Green Glorious Green

Crazy Italian Casino

This is some weird Italian giant casino restaurant place we stumbled into the other weekend. I think is one of those 'cafes' by day 'crazy nighclubs' by night. Lets just say we won't be going back there during the day or night!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hello Hedley's in Singo!

Hello Nanny, Pa, Ian, Jan, John, Sharon, Kristy, Ricki, Carissa and Ben!

I am very happy to hear that you are now on the blog radar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am having an awesome time in Dublin... but the weathers just not quite the same! I miss the sweltering heat like you wouldn't believe! I hope everyone is well and make sure you stay tuned!

Much love to all, Kate xxxx

Sunday, May 14, 2006

RE: Instructions for Mothers Day Blog Posting!

I forgot to tell you that you must:

CLICK ON THE IMAGE in the Happy Mothers Day posting...

Go and do it now!

Kate xx

Happy Mothers Day!

Dearest Mummo, Grandma, Nanny, Karen, Gayle & Rachel

H A P P Y M O T H E R S D A Y !

Lots of love & hugs for the special mummo's new and old!


Saturday, May 13, 2006

P A C I N O ' S !

This is Pacino's where Nicholas and I dined out for luncho today. I have had my eye peeled for a 'regular-worthy' restaurant-ay since arriving in the dubs and this one is very very possibly going to be a much-visited haunt. It's Italian obvisously and has that nice cosy italian way about it: ie. there is never a time when it's not okay to have a glass of red. excellent! gotta love those italians (good looking & great cooks)

A Sunny Saturday: Well i never!

I know it looks like we only ever drink beer but thats when I think to pull the camera out and start snapping!!!!! The pub manager actually pulled the awnings back moments before these pics were taken as, heavens above, the sun came out! The sun-showing was of course met with hearty cheers from all at the pub (its a funny thing to cheer the sun coming out but even this soon in to living in Dublin, something that comes very naturally and something that comes with very very warm welcomings!!!!!!!!)

Brown Thomas: The Inside Story

I know you all want to know where i spend my saturday's shopping these days so here's a sneak peak at the wonderful world that is Brown Thomas (BT)... as afore mentioned, terribly expensive... but most importantly... terribly good! My latest purchase is a watch (i have been without one for a year so telling myself, and any others who ask, the time is quite the novelty. It's actually 10 past 7 now if anyone is wondering ;-)
For a girl who will forever love DJ's and the warmth and joy it brings, BT is a very sufficient (dare I say a yard and a tad better) sub for the time being!
Love to all xo

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Enchanting (18 Hour) Garden Party contd....

Hello hello

There was supposed to me more images uploaded but blogger failed me (yet again and it didn't work). I would usually keep trying to get it right but i am so utterly brain dead i cannot be bothered. will update them at another time b/c v beautiful. I am at the tail end of the day after an 18 hour work day at the location pictured below. It is an old military hospital which has been transformed into Dublin Museum of Modern Art. Granted, a lovely spot to work ALL day/night... in fact i had lots of things to tell all but whilst waiting for blogger to upload the images i have become almost zombi woman walking - actually i am sitting - walking right now would be an absolute no no. may fall over. apologies for utterly lame blog posting i will shortly attempt to go to dinner and then pass out. Thank god its friday!!!!!!!!!!!! ooooooh, just got a bit of spark back! Would like everyone's weekend gossip in the form of blog comments please.

The Enchanting (18 Hour) Garden Party

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Desk Time

For all those pining for Kate during work hours you can now mentally picture me at my el desko as the el jobbo... As you can see it is very tidy (I had a professional come in and shoot it and subsequently they thought my scattered manic mess would take away from aesthetics... i just let them go ahead and do their job...)

The Higs

As disasterous as this sounds... there seems to be two more Higgins hanging around... and in Dublin of all places!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Slow Saturday

Well Nicholas and I have had and are still having a very slow Saturday as we are recovering from rather unpleasant hangovers (well worth it as always though of course - although I am never drinking again! obviously I will but perhaps approach it in a different way next time ;-)
So the images above are documentation of our first - and probably last! - outing for today.

Firstly, you can see moi checking the mail and then it is off to Renalagh to return some dvds and have some lunch. Ranelagh is the suburb nextdoor to Ballsbridge and the main larger village we utilise for restaurants, etc. We had lunch at a place called Nector which is a GREAT cafe with extremely tasty food. I have a wrap (guys I have been bordering on a full-blown wrap obsession since leaving Australia - actually the Wrap OB started in the Myer centre when I went shopping with my darling Mumma shortly before leaving when we both had a terribly unbelievably delicious chicken cajun wrap at Sumo Salad in the food court - since that day I have been sourcing and sampling wraps everyday - they are some what of a phenomenon, granted not a new one, in my opinion. I am now of course, on a relentless pursuit to find the perfect filling combination and establishment supplier. Anyway... now that is voiced... Nick had a scrumpious pasta dish and that is that!

Most of my day has been spent watching our newly installed cable tv - this of course will not be the norm - but when hungover and presented with access to television for the first time in over a month it is a very happy scenario for all involved.

Tomorrow the football team of all football teams, Aresenal, is playing in the grand final so it will not doubt be a ripping day in EVERY pub in dublin and for that matter many more across Europe and the UK. Nick and I will most likely watch the game at the Courthouse brewery which is in an alley off Grafton Street - it is a pretty big pub with several different areas and a primo football watching venue. Gooooooo Arsenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One again for the ladies who may be awake at 2am or whenever the match is aired in Oz, it is well worth a look as there are some fine looking lads in the team who also happen to be highly skilled players.

Highlight for the day was seeing the beautiful, adorable, cute cute cute legend Oliver O'Neill via webcam - I put out a challenge for anybody out there to find a 1 and a half year old with cooler hair. Actually, Ollie's hair is cooler than most males of any age I know!!!!!!!! Good work Ben and Rae, you've created a lady killer.

Chat soon, hope all are having a wonderful weekend


Friday, May 05, 2006

The Package Haaaaaas Arrived!

Peeps the infamous package has found it's way to Upper Leeson Street... but not, of course, without a wee bit of a fight.

And so the story went like this:

I rushed madly out of work this afternoon at 5.01pm to make sure I made it to the Ballsbridge Post before "5.30pm". The just mentioned time is in quotation marks because this is PRECISELY the closing time a Ballsbridge Post employee had informed me of the day prior. And the story goes on...

I frantically (in a poised, casual manner) hail a cab outside my work. Granted, the caby I hailed had to make a u-turn on a horrendously busy street but still... that does not excuse the mockery that was to come...

Me: "Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge please. The Post Office there... i dont know the number though... do you know it?

Mr Cabby: "Yes I know it"

(that comment was totally fine)

Mr Cabby again: "You know it is only 2 minutes around the corner"?

Me: Oh is it? Well that's okay though because I need to be there before it shuts at 5.30"

Mr Cabby: "5.30! It's only a 2 minutes drive around the corner... only a 5 minute walk!"

Me: *"Are you insinuating that I should be walking?" *please note that myself and the driver were having harmless banter

Driver: "Ha... well...it's just around the corner" (It wasn't by the way)

Now we arrive at the "Ballsbridge Post" which is a grey service-type looking door at the bottom of a nice office building called, crazily enough, Post House. At this point it is all making sense. Mr Cabby directs me to the grey door which has absolutely no signage or regular Post paraphenalia you would generally expect a post office to have. And this is when the high drama begins...

Not only did Mr Cabby mock me for worrying about making it to the post shop by 5.30 (when I embarked on the journey to get there from a place 2 minutes away at 5.00) but the post was closed! And Mr Cabby was generally concerned at this fact! Mr Cabby says: "It can't be closed!" It was 5.08pm! Yes that's right! Closed!

Alas, I manage to weezle my way in when one Post shop employee opened the door to leave. I am then greeted by another posty who says: "No no we are closed".

"Noooooooooooooooooo you CAN'T BE CLOSED! Pleeeeease I just need to pick up my post! "No lovey, this is not the Post shop, you need to go up to the end of the street. A slight pang of pain and defeat washed over before the nice man said: "Lovey, this is the parcel sorting house".

Parcel sorting house? Hmmmmm.

You see the irony of this whole fiasco is that the Cabby has indeed taken me to the wrong place, but he had indeed taken me to the primary resting place of in-limbo parcels. MY PARCEL WAS RIGHT INSIDE THIS BUILDING. For an added bit of drama, the nice man begrudgingly asked me: "Alright, can I have your parcel ticket then lovey"? I had left it in the cab!!!

You know what, none of this matters now - becuase I have the parcel (thanks mummo).

ps. I fekkin (thats Irish speak for the obvious) hate my hair. they'll be a short hair pic of moi on here soon no doubt after i either A). Go off the deep end and hack it of myself or B). have the common sense, soundness of mind and highly overated 'patience' to make an appointment at a reputable salon. Hmmm watch this space (that is, of course, if you are at all indeed interested whatsoever in my hair. Which realistically, is probably very view. Make no mistake though - IT IS IMPORTANT.