Kate in Dubs Land

Friday, June 30, 2006


Quite literally. Yes on Wednesday night I went to see Take That - boy band veterans and they were a treat. The Robbster wasn't there (he was off fulfilling an actual career in entertaining) but there was a hologram of him to make up (see bottom pic).

They sang all the golden oldies. What ever I said, Whatever I did I didnt mean it... I just want you back for good... Want you back Want you back want you baaaack fooor goooood.

The Pussycat Dolls were the support act - those busty sass sirens can dance in hot pants like no others

Want you baaaack foooor gooood...

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I have been told to go to Glendalough since I got to Dublin (it's pronounced Glendaluck and means valley of the two lakes) and finally went there yesterday with my buddy Liam from work. It is an ancient monks settlement in amongst beautiful fairyland forest and bushland. It was pooring rain yesterday also so it looked all mystical which really added an extra touch of the fairies. The towers and churches the Monks built are still there - after 1500 years - pretty amazing stuff peeps.

Friday, June 23, 2006

A tad more scenic Rome

Brenz, Timbo & Jane I think I remember going into the Florence Moon leather store back in the day!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Wishing you very happy birthday and lots of hugs from Dublin! Kate xoxo

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Weekend In Rome

Hello all,

More pics to come over the next couple of days but for now here are a few to start you off.

We had such an amazing time I AM IN LOVE WITH ITALY as always. Can't wait to get back!

Love to all (will get the regular blog habit back in order)

PS. The fourth pic down is the Pope (Nick and I stumbled into Vatican City to find none other than the big man himself doing his Sunday address to the city. It was actually a really wonderful experience. Each Nationality the Pope addressed cheered afterwards (Nick of course cheered after the English address like he was at a dance party ;-) After listening to the Pope, we walked out with an Italian priest who was saying his rosaries (excuse spelling am clearly not roman catholic) whilst coasting along... the whole thing was terribly cleansing.

I am happy to report that Italian boys/men are even hotter than I remembered (that goes for the females too actually). We ate delicious Italian food and drank delicious Italian red. We walked like maniacs (i may have had one small tanty late on Saturday night when the hotel just wasnt getting any closer despite walking and walking and walking and walking......... and walking

It wouldn't be a signature Kate and Nick weekend of course without a bit of drama. Our flight left Rome at 7.15pm Sunday night so we calculated accordingly for 'get backs from hotel time' and 'get on train to airport time'. We may have slightly undercalcuated and so ended up having to run back to the hotel to collect our bags. That was all good and well... we made the train. Whilst settling in on the train waiting to go to airport... after about 5 or so minutes Nick piped up with a very valid question: "Did we get our passports back from the hotel?" (They took them when we checked in). Well of course we didnt get our passports back. Just when you think the drama is over it comes back even bigger. So Nick, mightly sprinting champion, ran back to the hotel.... I loaded up all bags ready to jump on train but wouldn't you just know it... as soon as Nicks head popped in site from the train station stairs... the train pulled away. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. We did of course overt any serious drama consquences in the end and just made the flight.

Oh and I accidentally asked a train station employee which train we needed to catch for the Leonardo Di Caprio Airport (it's the Leonardo Da Vinci Airport of course). A cultural highpoint to say the least.






Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Don't Lose Faith!

The Italia blog is coming! (Just been a wee bit tired after the weekend)

I shall be doing a series of Roma blogs over the coming week though... we took soooo many photos

Hold on... almost there (well havent started actually but shouldn't take to long once i do)

k xx

Oh and by the way we had a faaaaaaabulous time darlings

Sunday, June 04, 2006

A Bleedin' Boiling Summers Day

Pics above are from our summer saturday - it was sooooooo hot we were wearing t-shitrs and ballet shoes (well nick wasnt wearing ballet shoes i was). Has some cold beerios at The Waterloo pub on Baggot Street which is a 5 min walk from our joint. My new favourite pub it's soooo nice visitors will be taken there. It was so hot that we had to go and sit inside - Summer is here!!!!!!!

On Saturday night went to a bbq at Dylan Park at Dalky was v fun but a tad hungover this morning... Not to worry because it's a long weekend no work till tuesday and then off to Rome so excited!

Thanks for all my lovely birthday wishes from everyone made turning 24 a very nice experience... am actually still telling people i am 23 (mistake or on-purpose have not yet worked out)


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Some blog time at last!

Has been a while since blogs will update lots over weekemd... but for now any kind of blogging quality will do!

Me and Margaret birthday lunching at Espresso Bar just of Baggot (my current boss - great woman)

A favourite pic of mine from the Irish Independent - those little ballerinas are great to head space-calming on a Monday morning!

The Irish Times - page one on the 31st May!

Me in the elevator on the way to level 4 (as you can see i am naturally skilled in photograghy... flash on in the direct face of mirror)

Card from Mummo and G'ma... i didn't have everyone else's then thats why they are the only ones there!