Kate in Dubs Land

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas and love to all
And of course a happy happy New Year !

Friday, December 22, 2006

Thought you might like to see the gals i work with on ww (womans way!)

Left to right; Erin, Features Writer; Simone, Editor; Moi; Claire; Dep Ed

This was at our Christmas party on Friday night. 'Twas a good night (uncharacteristically , I allowed the hangover to take over and swanned into work at about 1pm today.... hey, it's the silly season and we can't continue justifying such a phrase if we don't get the least bit silly

Monday, December 18, 2006

I am Hotel Queen Once More

I have regained my crown as hotel queen as I have managed to squirm nick and myself into the Soggiorno Battistero, the hotel Ben and Rae Oneill staying in on their trippo to Florence 4 years or so ago. Granted, I cannot take research credit for this one but alas I have managed to bump up the leather goods surplus by a pretty pennie! And she's right on the Duomo Square. Thanks Benno and Rachel...

Bottom pic is Duomo (I know you'd be proud mum)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Goings

Just in case you wondering (and I know you are), where Nicholas and I will be spending christmas, wonder no more, Italy will be our festive home.

Christmas eve, Christmas day and boxing in Venice.

Post Christmas driving through the Tuscan countryside; Siena; Ferarra; Bolgna and anywhere else we decide to go along the way. As I told my parents this morning (in defense after being mocked for my growing age) I am still too young to legally drive a rental car without paying an exorbidant premium - i'm clutching at straws now I know this - so I will be chief map reader. For those of you who are not familiar with my navigating abilities, I prefer to use hunches and general 'directional feelings' when aiming for destinations. With this in mind, your guess is as good as mineas to where we'll actually go during our 10 day hiatus.

It's widely known and celebrated (granted, predomiantly between Nick/Kate) that I exude talent in the area of hotel booking, however, it must be noted, that on the back of a very dark period of hotel searching on my part (Florence is a nightmare to book 10 days out from Christmas just so you know), after hours and nights of trolling through sites with no booking to show for it, I had gone deep deep into the net and it wasn't a nice place to be let me tell you. Nick of course, keenly sensed my angst (an erratic burst of yelling did the trick) and jumped online only to find a hotel in seconds. And may I say he picked a goodie. Follow the link and have a peep (I need to add, however, I could have easily found a hotel this good however one becomes renowned for finding hotels because of a strange 6th sense and ability to source quality at a rediculously cheap price so as to leave a surplus in the handbag/shoes/general leather goods kitty - to be honest, if you've ever fallen into the hotel-web nightmare abyss like i had earlier, you'd book anything. Still, 10 points to Nick. http://www.hotelmartelli.com/#

Happy Christmas!

Kate xxoo

Monday, December 04, 2006

El' Luxurious Work Assignment...

This is the hotel/spa that I went to when I got back from Brussells for work... faaaabulous darlings just faaabulous!!!! I have to write a review on the place so naturally had to undertake thorough research in the form of several glorious treatments after spending a day swanning in and around the vitality areas. heaven! relaxing in the outdoor hot tub in the midst of rain and the chilled Irish winter temperatures was a very special treat - and i say with high confidence, the last time i'll be wearing a bikini outside again this winter... unless on the way to another hot tub of course.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Brussells!!! pics and commentary for your enjoyment

1. There was a mad Voltswagon club thingamy gig trauling through brussells on sunday, tooting and yahooing like a bunch of rebellious 12 year old kids on a mission - it was great. There was the best of the voltsies and the worst - i'm talking rusting little bombs ready for anything and also ready to bust a pipe and die any second. Good stuff - you've got to commend that kind of enthusiasm, even if it is for a car brand (i'm still trying to understand albeit at the same time i do as Janey... Bobby's cousin/brother/sister/mother was in the parade - that's translation for a chuggy orange combi!!!!!!!!)
2. Nick under famous little pee boy.
3. Random painted wall
4. Nick and I being LOOSERS (we've been watching too much of Janice Dickinson's Modelling School show - budding models take note: for catalogue shoots, the best shot comes when you flick your head back and laugh like an imbosile - we've got it down pat.
5. Brenze, a real life Belgium lace shop for you, featured just for you.

This area is just west of the city and Nick and I - as always - just happened to walk that way and found a hub of goodness!!!! While I am a self-confessed market addict, Nicholas, sadly for him and anyone else who has to travel with him (that's overridingly me at this point), is not. However, on this sunny Sunday morning, Nick, for some strange reason, decided he liked markets so much he claimed he was a converted market-goer. I, for very good reason, chucked a bit of a kate-special tanty at this unexpected revelation as the markets were full of junk and not the type of market someone should aspire to enjoy participating in at all. There markets were a junk yard for old croquery; stinky scarves; knock-off paintings; and amongst the more dispicable of items were yellow stained keybaords; label makers from the early 90's; shoes that had clearly fallen off the back of a dodgy conveyer belt in Taiwan; and, just when you think you've struck gold, nope... it's just bloomin' croquery again. ***Disclaimer: All the above is in good humour i loved the market, cool atmosphere and love the belgium-style visual merchandaising... these guys just had piles of their stuff dumped in a heap, quick to display and great for loading the forklift when the market finishes.

1. The picture of the chair that I shall take with me to a hoighty-toighty furniture designer to recreate exactly for me when I have the cash to splash on items like decorative chairs. Love it love it must have one of my own and will.
2. Red Indians busking (it was more like stumbling upon an amazing concert that you didn't have to have tickets for!) in Brussells city - i cannot emphasise enough, how utterly amazing the sounds these men and women made I bought a CD (note I am not the type of person to buy a CD where there is no till or shop surrounding the CD) because this music was so good!!!!!!!! Am actually listening to CD now - it's win win for me and my magical Indian friends.
3. Hmmmmm... what a surprise, Nick's sprinting into a lit candy shop
4. Perdestrian crossing made with mosiac pearl tiles - nice touch wouldn't you say?
5. Just a nice pic really
There are lots more photos to come I ran out of blog time!